  • 期刊


Cultural Globalization: An Indigenized and Integrative Mode of Thinking and Practic


15、16世紀以降,西方工業、科學與技術等層面的重大變革帶動了其現代化的進程,隨之發生的是現代國家、資本主義、市場經濟等政經體制的迅速擴張。20世紀後期傳播資訊科技的革命,更造成全球時間與空間的迅速壓縮和政治經濟體系的高度互賴,「地球村」的概念亦相映而生。換言之,全球化似乎是一種「現代性的產物」。然而,這看似單純的歷史陳述卻隱含著兩項令人擔憂的後設思維:其一,文化全球化僅是政治、經濟與科技現代化的附帶產物,文化在西方工具理性的強勢影響下,似乎淪為一種工具而喪失其主體性。其二,文化全球化意味著全球文化的同質化。隨著現代化潮流從歐洲和隨後的美國向外擴張,其信仰、理念、價值體系和生活方式則順勢成為全球文化的主流。不過,全球在地文化的反動則使全球文化單一化、同質化,以及多樣化、混雜化等兩條相互矛盾的思維主軸,在世界各個在地挑起了人們當代的強烈文化認同危機。 本文由在地的角度剖析文化全球化的概念,藉由對於同質化與異質化、制式化與多樣化、文化工具化與文化/政治/經濟交互滲透競合的爭辯與對話,試圖勾勒出全球化過程中,各個在地所面臨一系列垂直交錯、跨越時空,且貫穿各個生活層面價值實踐的互動連結體制,以及此過程所附帶產生的全球超文化特質。本文主張,文化代表的是一種深層意義的詮釋。文化的全球化必須經過「在地化」的過程(即藉由在地語言、觀點、喜好、品味與價值思維體系的轉化和當地群眾生活相互銜接),方能在當地產生新的文化意涵。而在地成功轉化異質文化的重要關鍵,則在於其是否能透過更開放的「動態共通性」以及「融攝性」等思維,建構一個更具全球歷史與文化高度的「在地化整合式思維與實踐」模式,調和不同文化理念與生活實踐的衝突,達成更具包容性的文化理想。唯此,在地方能產生有別於歐洲或美國中心主義,但卻為世界社會所誠然接納之文化全球化路徑。


In the wake of western modernization (Renaissance, Reformation, Scientific Revolution and Industrialization), there was the expansion of political-economic systems such as modern state, capitalism, and market economy from Europe to the world. And with the informational revolution in the 20th century, what follows is the rapid compression of global time and space, which gives birth to the concept of a new ”global village”. In other words, globalization seems to be the ”consequence of modernity”. This seemingly simple historical narrative of globalization nonetheless implies two false propositions: a) cultural globalization is merely a subsidiary effect of political, economic and scientific modernization. Culture has lost its subjectivity; b) western ideas, values, beliefs and lifestyle have ”naturally” become the mainstream of ”global culture”, and the rest of the world can only receive and respond passively to it. We disagree. The paper argues that ”cultural globalization” is not a simple side effect of political, economic, scientific and informational globalization. Rather it is the reinterpretation of meanings across time and space, and the dialogic formation of new values and ideas among the multi-faceted, yet, horizontally and vertically integrated processes of globalization. Global culture, in order to produce new cultural connotations for the local, will need to be ”indigenized” (that is to be translated and transformed through local languages, preferences, perspectives, tastes and value-systems to be able to connect to local people's daily life). The same mechanism can be applied vice versa, that is from the local to global. In sum, cultural globalization is an indigenized and integrative mode of thinking and practice, which founds itself on the concept of ”changing-sameness” and ”harmonization” of local culture, and through which cultural ideals and policy objectives of various facets are mutually accommodated.


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