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Democratization and Citizenship Education Changing Identity Politics and Shifting Paradigms of Teaching and Learning in Taiwan


Taiwan has evolved from a Sino-centric authoritarian state to an indigenized multicultural society, nearing consolidation of the fruits of democracy in response to sweeping social and political changes over the last three decades. How might these socio-political changes affect the teaching and learning of national identity and citizenship in Taiwan? A review of the literature suggests that the development of citizenship education in Taiwan follows changes in identity politics. The notions of citizenship and civic/citizenship education in Taiwan, as well as the pace and direction of Taiwan's civic education reform, have evolved over time in correspondence with several milestone changes in society, politics, and education. To judge the extent to which students in democratized Taiwan believe in the basic values of democracy and democratic participation as well as other concepts taught in the reformed curriculum, the essay employs data from the 2009 International Civic and Citizenship Education Study to provide empirical assessment of student learning about democratic citizenship in Taiwan.


Taiwan Ministry of Education's Web site, http://www.moe.edu.tw
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