  • 期刊


The Case of Micro-Entrepreneurship in Leisure Agricultural Product Industry Analysis and Tourism Channel Development




The rise of two-day weekend has made the leisure travel of people in Taiwan increasingly prosperous, and gradually tends to experience different types of tourism. However, over the past few years, the problem of food safety in the market has also become increasingly more and more serious. The proportion of people's cancer has been rising. It has aroused people's awareness of health and fitness, and gradually eliminated chemical additives products market, making it possible for micro-entrepreneurs to list beverages for leisure and agricultural development. The subject in this article is in terms of people about how to drink the peace of mind, health care, beauty care, and the benefits of parent-child sharing. Through environment, marketing analysis, and planning of micro-enterprise financial management analysis, this paper constructs a business model, which is in terms of leisure and agriculture combined products as a micro-entrepreneur to promote the tourism marketing of leisure agriculture as a reference basis.


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