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Convenience, Benefit and the Crisis of Superficiality: Feminism and the Reproduction of Contemporary Taiwanese Fiction




In the event of the impulsive ideological trends in 1990s mainstream culture, 'feminism' was undoubtedly one of the narrative and implementation methods that facilitated a kind of new social realism in Taiwan. Bizarrely, the growth of the internet which emphasizes the dissemination of knowledge and the immediacy of information circulation turned feminist theory, which originally belonged to the social ranks of knowledge culture, into a fashionable consumer product. This literature trend is common in contemporary Taiwanese fiction, particularly in the way authors, almost to the point of abuse, use symbols of larger literature capital efficiency. As 'feminist' theory is gradually legitimized via social movements and the founding of educational institutes, we must be aware of the clear gaps that exist between it and the actual recipients and creators, which is a seemingly united let actually alienated relationship. In order to select the most potential and sufficient forms of self-enhancement, themes, and aesthetic conventions, authors often have to conform with market economic logic in their works by using a consensus in public opinion of high cultural concepts and 'political correctness'. Simply put, as feminist symbols, rhetoric and theory obtain stable cultural and symbolic capital in contemporary society, its users often render a variety of the political capabilities behind 'feminism' mere 'figureheads' in accordance with 'convenience' and 'profit' incentives. The relationship between feminism and contemporary Taiwanese fiction fully reflects the complex influence of the environment and style of contemporary literature. This study aims to re-read several representative works of contemporary female fiction, and examine the process of transformation of feminist thought and its rhetoric in contemporary literature fields.


Chatterjee, Partha(1986)。Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse。Minneapolis:University of Minnesonta Press。
Coward, Rosalind、Elaine Showaltered.(1985)。The New Feminist Criticism。New York:Pantheon Books。
Harvey, David(1989)。The Condition of Postrnodernity。Basil Blackwell。


