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Effects of Cultivation Temperature on the Morphology, Color, Carbohydrate Content, and Vase Life of Anthurium Cut Flowers


栽培環境會影響火鶴花(Anthurium andraeanum André.)之生長與切花觀賞品質。本研究探討栽培於人工氣候室不同日/夜溫20/15℃、25/20℃與30/25℃對火鶴花'Tropical'與'Choco'花之形態、顏色與碳水化合物含量及切花瓶插壽命之影響。結果兩品種火鶴花之佛焰苞大小、肉穗花序長度、花梗長度與直徑、切花乾重及切花壽命皆以20/15℃處理組最佳,30/25℃處理組最差。兩品種之佛焰苞下表皮氣孔密度隨栽培溫度上升而增加。'Choco'之佛焰苞下表皮氣孔密度較'Tropical'高。在30/25℃栽培之'Tropical'佛焰苞彩度與色相值較其他溫度栽培者低,而在30/25℃栽培之'Choco'佛焰苞色相值較其他溫度栽培者高。以SPAD-502葉綠素計無法測得'Tropical'佛焰苞之葉綠素相對含量,但'Choco'佛焰苞之SPAD-502葉綠素計讀值隨栽培溫度降低而上升。果糖爲佛焰苞中主要的可溶性糖。在20/15℃栽培之佛焰苞總可溶性糖與澱粉含量皆最高,其在瓶插期間之切花鮮重也最晚下降。在30/25℃栽培之佛焰苞澱粉含量最低且切花瓶插壽命較短。'Choco'佛焰苞含有葉綠素,瓶插壽命爲29天至52天;而'Tropical'之瓶插壽命爲15-19天。


品種 澱粉 氣孔密度 可溶性糖


Cultivation environments may affect the flower growth and post-harvest performance of cut flowers in Anthurium (Anthurium andraeanum André.). Two cultivars, Tropical (red spathe) and Choco (brown spathe), were grown at day/night temperatures of 20/15℃, 25/20℃ or 30/25℃; and their flower morphology, color, carbohydrate content, and vase life of cut flowers were examined. Both cultivars grown at 20/15℃ performed best in spath size, spadix length, peduncle length and diameter, flower dry weight, and vase life of cut flowers. Those grown at 30/25℃ had the poorest flower growth and the shortest vase life of cut flowers. Abaxial stomatal density of spathe increased as cultivation temperature increased. 'Choco' had higher stomatal density than 'Tropical'. High temperature at 30/25℃ reduced chroma and hue values of 'Tropical' spathes but increased the hue value of 'Choco' spathes. The relative chlorophyll content of 'Tropical' spathes could not be detected by a SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter, but the SPAD-502 value of 'Choco' spathes decreased as cultivation temperature increased. Fructose was the major soluble sugar in the spathe. Total soluble sugar content in the spathe was higher in plants grown at 20/15℃ than those at 30/25℃ for both cultivars. Both cultivars grown at 30/25℃ had lower spathe starch contents and shorter vase life than those grown at lower temperatures. The vase life of 'Choco' ranged from 29.0 to 52 days, while that of 'Tropical' only 15 to 19 days.


cultivar starch stomatal density soluble sugar


