  • 期刊


Exploring the Instructional Effects of Teaching Games for Understanding Approach on Learning of Secondary School Students




The original Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) model presented by Bunker and Throrpe (1986) focused on modified games and tactical strategies in game situations. Through individual thinking and group discussions, students discussed the applications of game rules, tactics and this lead to skill learning as well as enjoy the fun of game. This study attempted to adopt both qualitative and quantitative research methods, such as, questionnaires, Games performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI), self-Assessment Feedback Instrument (SAFI), participant observation, interview and documents. The purposes were to (1) Examine the understanding and attitude changes of participant PE teachers before and after the TGfU training course; (2) Examine the understanding and attitude changes of teachers and students before and after the TGfU teaching units; (3) Investigate the learning effects of TGfU PE teaching; and (4) Examine the teacher and student interaction during TGfU teaching units. The participants of the first phrase included 136 in-service PE teachers who attend the TGfU conference and workshop during the summer of 2004. Self-designed questionnaires were administered to the PE teachers before and after the TGfU training sessions. The second phase of the study involved 6 PE teachers (2 senior high and 4 junior high) and their PE class students. Each teacher planned and taught 12 classes in PE lessons using TGfU approach. Participant observation and interview were used to understand the teaching and learning process. Teacher-student and student-student interaction were coded using SAFI. The students also pretested and postested using GPAI. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and constant comparison method. The results indicated that (1) The teachers had better knowledge about TGfU and were supportive and satisfied with the teaching approach after the training sessions. (2) After teaching with TGfU approach the teachers were more knowledgeable about TGfU but also more aware of the disadvantages about implementing TGfU. (3) After 4 weeks of TGfU teaching students showed improvement in cognitive, attitude, skill tests and games performance. This evidenced the effectiveness of the TGfU and it's value in PE teaching. Four suggestions were made to promote TGfU in schools in the future.


TGfU GPAI Badminton objective skill


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