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The Study on the Factors that Influence the Taking out Behavior of the Public


國內外食人口比例逐年增加,促使餐飲產業發展蓬勃,加上飲食習慣改變、追求流行、喜歡嘗試新興產品等因素,也反映在飲食文化上,讓餐點選擇更具豐富性。近年來食安問題層出不窮,民眾對於商家特性與餐盒內容物的要求,亦有可能因此受到影響,故分析國人常見外帶餐點內容,可作為日後推動健康餐飲方針。國內鮮少以外帶餐盒為主題探討顧客對於餐盒選購之研究,因此透過本調查分析外食族群對於商家特性、餐盒內容物、餐盒種類及料理方式等因素影響餐盒之選購。本研究針對國內1,629 位民眾進行調查結果,包括1,048 位學生族群、150 位軍公教、112 位服務業及319 位其他職業。結果顯示,民眾在選購餐盒商家時首要考量衛生、食品安全及新鮮等因素;餐盒內容物則以食品安全、蔬菜及主食配置為主;餐盒種類以中式及日式便當為主,在中式便當中最受歡迎的是雞腿便當、排骨便當。學生族群在餐盒商家、餐盒內容物的重要性和餐盒種類的喜好程度均顯著高於其他職業類別(P < .001~.05)。建議商家日後在製備外帶餐盒時,首要考量食品安全、蔬果等配置,此外對學生族群也能提供營養均衡的外食,提升民眾外帶餐盒之完備性,增進全體民眾飲食健康。


外食 外帶 餐盒 消費行為


The number of people in Taiwan who eats out is gradually increasing by years, as the result of promoting the vigorous developments of catering business. Because of changes in dietary habits, people who pursue the modern trends, the fondness of trying new and innovative things, consequently, it reflected dining cultures and the uprising of exotic cuisines. Food safety issues are emerging in recent years, so the analysis of widely-common meals people packed out promotes the policy of healthy food and beverage in the future. There are limited domestic researches about taking-out meal boxes, therefore, through this investigation and analysis of factors related with seller characteristics, contents and types of meal boxes, and cooking methods, we reveal the effect why the public purchase meal boxes. Results from the research conducted bases in the survey, which is compiled with 1,629 people, including 1048 in student groups, 150 in military, civil and teaching field, 112 in service industry, and 319 other occupations. First, Most people describe that main factors considering in buying dining boxes are the hygiene, food safety, and freshness. Second, the fondness for content in boxes is highly related with the quantities of vegetable and main dishes. Third, different types of boxes in cultures also affect people to choose, especially in Chinese and Japan. For example in Chinese type of boxes, pork chop and chicken leg are most popular. Furthermore, there is a extinguished results in student groups (P < 0.001~0.05). Therefore, it is recommended that those who prepare meal boxes should put priority to food safety and dishes design to eyed-catch and provide the health to consumers, especially for students, for the sake of better eating pattern and integrity of taking-out boxes.


Fast-food junkie take out meal box consumer behavior
