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The Study of the Obstacle Factors of Recreational Sports for the Students at Taipei National University of the Arts


藝術大學學生是國家未來的重要藝術人才,其在學習藝術專業知識與技能的過程中,較一般人更需要休閒運動以強健體魄與紓解身心壓力。惟藝大學生之體適能檢測值偏低,顯示藝大學生普遍缺乏充足的休閒運動。因此,探討藝大學生從事休閒運動之阻礙因素,以破除休閒運動障礙為有關單位應重視之課題。 本研究以探索性因素分析法,將藝大學生之休閒運動阻礙因素分為七大類。阻礙休閒運動意願之前三大因素,分別為經濟收入、學業關係及運動生理等因素。在族群差異分析上,經濟收入與外在因素對休閒運動之阻礙,普遍女性高於男性。學院中因學業關係影響休閒運動意願,以戲劇學院為最,音樂學院次之,舞蹈學院最低。師長不支持學生從事休閒運動等之仲屬關係,舞蹈學院明顯高於其他學院。


Students of the Taipei National University of the Arts will become important artists in our country in the future. In their process of learning professional knowledge and skills, they need recreational sports more than other students to get physical fitness and relax their body and mind. However, their physical fitness test scores are low, it shows that many of them are lack of sufficient recreational sports. Therefore, probing into the obstacle factors of recreational sports for the students should be a task of concern in order to get rid of the constraints. The method of this study is called exploration factor analysis. The obstacle factors of recreational sports for the students are divided into seven categories. The results show that the top three obstacle factors are financial incomes, studies, and exercise physiology. When analyzed by gender, there are more female students whose constraints are financial incomes and outer factors than male students. When referring to how one’s studies affect the motives of doing recreational sports, students from the School of Theatre Arts are most affected followed by students from the School of music. Students from the School of Dance are least affected. However, there are more teachers in the School of Dance not supporting their students in doing recreational sports than teachers in other schools.


Driver, B. L.,Brown, P. J.,Peterson, G. L.(1991).Benefits of Leisure.State College, PA:Venture.
