  • 期刊


The Influence Enterprise Inducts Case of Research the Toyota Production System- A Case Study of T Group


本研究的主要目的,在探究影響企業導入豐田生產方式的要因,藉由對個案公司,施以「李克特式量表」問卷調查以及相關管理績效數據的蒐集,利用「皮爾森相關分析」進行資料的統計分析。本研究發現,影響企業導入豐田生產方式成敗的關鍵,在於「人」這個重要的因子,相關結論彙整如下:1.豐田生產方式的導入必須建構在優質人力結構上。2.企業必須審慎的挑選具有學習能力以及學習慾望的員工。3.企業必須建構完整的教育訓練體系。4.企業必須建構完善的人力資源系統。5.企業必須持續的進行人力作業改造活動並將其標準化與習慣化。本研究建議,豐田生產方式(Toyota Production System, TPS)的落實必須建構在思考人的結構上(Thinking People Structure, TPS),希望藉由本研究的立意與精神,讓未來的研究人員或是企業管理者,有著具體的參考方向。


The main purpose of this theory is to the factors influencing enterprises lead in the Toyota production system. To implement the Likert-type scale questionnaire survey and collect performance data of the case company. Then, ”Reliability / Validity analysis”, ” Pearson correlation analysis” are applied in this. This study finds that key factors of success of lead in system is the ”people” . The conclusions are summarized below:1. The Toyota Production System must be built on manpower system.2. The enterprise must be careful with selection of employees with learning ability and learning desire.3. The enterprise must establish a comprehensive education and training system.4. The enterprise must build a perfect human resources system.5. The enterprise must carry out the improvement action on the human operation and accomplish standardization and habituation.This study discovers that Toyota Production System (TPS) must be developed with Thinking People Structure (TPS). The spirit and purpose of this study can be applied by researchs and managers as references.
