  • 期刊


The Development of Hope Scale for Adolescents


本研究目的在發展青少年生活希望量表,量表以Snyder所提出之希望理論爲基礎,先透過文獻探討、學生焦點團體訪談與專家審核編擬符合本土之希望構念,包括路徑思考、動力思考、達成目標的可能性、自我評價、情緒五項,根據此五項構念編製預試題目,共22項題目。 以立意抽樣抽取國小高年級與國中學生共292位有效樣本進行預試,經探索性因素分析、內部一致性係數等方法,篩選出正式量表共19項試題,其中包含整體希望感、可能性與自我評價三項分量表,採Likert-type六點量表作答。 正式量表依區域性(北、中、南、東四區)、學校(國中、國小)、年級(國小五、六年級,以及國中七、八、九年級)採立意取樣,共得有效問卷756份。在信度考驗部分,各分量表內部一致信度係數介於.78-.91之間,全量表內部一致信度係數爲.94,顯示此量表具有良好信度。 以張高賓(2005)編製之「兒童及青少年憂鬱篩選量表」考驗區辨效度,結果與本量表成顯著負相關(相關係數爲-.342);另以唐淑華(2005)修訂之「希望量表」及其分量表考驗聚合效度,發現唐淑華修訂之希望量表與本量表成顯著正相關(相關係數爲.826),唐淑華修訂之希望量表意志力分量表與整體希望感分量表、可能性分量、自我評價分量表亦爲顯著正相關(相關係數分別爲.738、.815、.758),唐淑華修訂之希望量表之方法分量表與整體希望感分量表、可能性分量、自我評價分量表也爲顯著正相關(相關係數分別爲.782、.714、.806),可見本量表有良好效度。 最後,針對研究結果提出後續研究與實務工作之具體建議。


The main purpose of this study was to develop a new hope scale for adolescents and to initially explore the impact of hope in local context. Based on the Snyder's hope theory, we figured out five core constructions of hope which were interview pathway thinking, agency thinking, possibility, self-evaluation, and emotions through a focus group interview. We tried to choose 22 items for a pilot study, and then decided to remove three items to improve the coefficient of internal consistency. The three component scores included the following: whole hope, possibility, and self-evaluation. The scale consisted of 22 items which used the Likert 6-point scale. We chose 292 elementary school students and junior high school students to conduct the pilot study through the stratified random sampling method, and the formal scale had 19 items finally. In order to build a formal scale, we used the purposive sampling to get 756 students to test the reliability and validity. The Cronbach α coefficients of Hope subscales for adolescents ranged from .78 to .91, and the Cronbach α coefficient of the whole scale is .94. The Hope Scale had a good discriminate validity and convergent validity, when it was testsed with another hope scale and the depression scale. In general, the reliability and validity were satisfactory. Finally, the application of the Hope Scale and the suggestions of the future study were discussed.


hope theory hope agency thinking pathways thinking


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