  • 期刊


The Research of Exercise Participants Behavior Regulation in Exercise, Flow Experience and Behavior Intention




This study aims on the relationship among behavior regulation in exercise, flow experience and behavior intention of exercisers. Subjects were 600 exercise participants of sports center and fitness center in Taipei city. Researcher send out 600 questionnaires and 560 questionnaires were collected, therefore 18 questionnaires invalid which respondents incomplete. There were 542 valid questionnaires and valid response rate of 90.33%. The statistical analysis methods in this study consisted descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test, one-way analysis of variance and structure equation model. The results were as follows: (1). Behavior regulation in exercise has positive effect and significantly relationship on flow experience and behavior intention, flow experience also has indirectly influence on behavior intention. (2). Flow experience has positive effect and significantly relationship on behavior intention.


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