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The Study of Sleep Quality in High School Badminton Players


本研究目的旨在探討高中羽球選手睡眠品質現況,結果將提供教練在未來訓練上之參考。以119位高中羽球選手為研究對象(平均年齡17.2±2.2歲、身高170.1±7.7公分、體重61.0±8.1公斤),研究工具為匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI),測驗所得數據以SPSS for windows 18.0套裝統計軟體處理,以描述統計、單因子變異數分析、多重比較等統計方法進行比較,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:一、男選手睡眠總分為5.9±2.1分、女選為5.7±2.1分。二、有70.6%選手睡眠時間在7小時以上,6小時以下的有29.4%。三、選手能在15分鐘內入睡的比率為23.5%,超過15分鐘以上的比率為76.5%。四、93.3%有睡眠困擾的問題;91.8%自覺睡眠品質不佳;91.6%自覺會影響白天的功能。五、身體質量指數與睡眠總分比較上雖無顯著差異,但體重過重組的睡眠總分明顯較其他兩組高。結論:全體受試者睡眠總分為5.9±2.1分,顯示本研究高中羽球選手的睡眠品質普遍不佳;體重過重會影響其睡眠品質,運動選手是否因訓練而影響其睡眠品質,是本研究未來繼續研究的方向。


This study was to investigate the sleep quality of the high school badminton player. The results of this study that can provide parameters of high school badminton training. 119 high school badminton players (average age 17.2±2.2 years, 170.1±7.7 cm, 61.0±8.1 kg). Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used for evaluation the sleep quality. Data was analyzed using SPSS for windows 18.0 system for descriptive statistics, One-way ANOVA, and HSD multiple comparison. The significance different is α=.05. The results were as follows: (1). Sleep score is 5.9±2.1 and 5.7±2.1 in male and female player, respectively. (2). There are 70.6% badminton players that sleep time up to 7 hours and 29.4% players sleep time is 6 hours or less. (3). Asleep time is 15 min in 76.5% player. (4). Sleep disturbance is 93.3%; self- assessment sleep quality is 85.4%; self-assessment affect daytime function is 90.4%. (5). There is no significantly difference between BMI and sleep score. The group of over-weight has a higher sleep score than others. Conclusion, the sleep score of all player is 5.9±2.1. The results shown those high school badminton players have a poor sleep quality; over-weight can affect sleep quality; whether due to the exercise training affect the sleep quality that can be used for further researching.


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