  • 期刊


Local Industry's CIS in Reference to Semiology: An Empirical Study of Liu-Chia Chun Kung Kiln


近年來,政府積極推動「文化創意產業」,將具地方特色之傳統文化產業予以轉型,於同時,六甲居廣陶致力於找尋自我定位與特色,然其缺乏整體性之企業識別系統(CIS),使其在轉型過程中,推廣成效受限。本研究為質性個案研究,以深入訪談與實地勘查蒐集資料,透過地方文化特色與CIS三大構面(理念、活動、視覺識別),深入探討六甲居廣陶之本質與特色,作為其企業識別設計元素之依據。再者,透過 Perice(Semiology)符號學理論,分析受訪者對本研究所設計之居廣陶CIS作品的認知與看法,檢視其認知與看法是否與本研究CIS之設計理念一致。本文受訪者乃採立意抽樣的方式進行,選擇對居廣陶有接觸之民眾共十五位,因其對居廣陶初步的認識,較易對該CIS產生具體意象與解讀。


Creative cultural industry which the government has vigorously promoted for the past few years is to reshape traditional businesses that feature local cultural characteristics, such as Chun Kung Kiln, a local ”snakekiln” workshop in Liu-Chia, Tainan. Chun Kung Kiln, with all its efforts to seek its own role and uniqueness for transformation, seems not to attain its expectation due to lack of the overall design of corporate identity system (CIS). Through local cultural characteristics and information collected from in-depth interviews combined with field investigations, this qualitative case study discusses, in the view points of CIS, available constituents for designing Chun Kung Kiln's CIS. Moreover, analyzing the perceptions of the respondents based on Pierce's theory of semiology, and examining if which agree with the design concept of the CIS being discussed. Total 15 subjects were purposively sampled who have been in touch with Chun Kung Kiln, because they supposedly tend to provide concrete impressions and understandings as to the CIS by their experience.


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