  • 期刊


Investigation on Zhang Tai-yaz's the Idea of Anatman




章太炎 意根 無我


In his lifelong devotion to social reform movements, Zhang Tai-yan (1869~1936) had never deviated from his one-pointed concern on national and social-related issues. In revolting to the then popular political and cultural thoughts, such as sectarian thoughts, nationalism, social evolutionism etc, he, however, proposed unprecedented new perspectives of others vs. self and practical action based on the Anatman idea of Buddhism, to pursuit for the ideals of independence and equality in the real sense. Realizing the profoundness and inapplicability of Buddhist thought, he then, in his later life, redirected his effort to the integration of Confucianism and Taoism, He found realization of Anatman equality in Zhuang Zi's ”oneness of all beings.” Through his reinterpretation of Confucianist's theory of mind-nature, Zhang elaborated that the goal of Anatman can't be attained in the seeker's seclusion or abandonment of the world. In Zhuang's interpretation, the Buddhist's idea of Anatman was transformed into elimination of ego-centered attachment, a spirit embodied by Mahayana Bodhisattvas. Hence, the small me is replaced by an undaunted fearlessness of actively involving in the secular world, like such exemplary figures of Wen King, Confucius, Lao Zi, and Zhuang Zi. In so doing, the ”I-ness” of Mahayana Bodhisattvas not yet attaining the ultimate Nirvana, is actually not the seventh ”Nanah” designated in the Dharmalaksana sect, but the ”true nature” which transcends the boundaries of space and time, and come to merge with all sentient beings in oneness.


Zhang Tai-yan Mind-sense Anatman
