  • 期刊


Development of a Microwave-assisted Automatic Testing System for Pesticide Residues


欲進行樣本之農藥殘留檢驗,完整之檢驗步驟至少包含樣品採集、濃縮、萃取、分析等。對農藥檢驗而言,因農藥殘留量往往是在ng(10^(-9)g)、pg(10^(-12)g)甚至fg(10^(-15)g)等級,其量相當微少,於是造成萃取及分析過程中所需之溫度及時間的掌控,比起一般化學成份分析更為嚴苛。若透過人力進行各檢驗步驟,除耗時費力外,易因過程的不精確而導致檢驗結果有所誤差。文獻中顯示,固相萃取(Solid Phase Extraction, SPE)以及固相微萃取(Solid Phase Microextraction, SPME)技術已大量運用於農藥殘留檢驗,然而過去主要透過水浴方式來加熱樣品,以促使物質吸附於纖維萃取針上,其除耗時外同時難以使樣本均勻受熱。為解決上述所列問題,本論文提出一微波輔助農藥殘留自動化檢驗系統。系統構成組件包含可程式控制器、四軸機械手臂、清洗裝置、微波加熱裝置、觸控螢幕以及氣相層析儀。其透過微波加熱裝置以減少加熱過程所需耗費之時間,並藉由自動化技術來監控各步驟之檢驗條件。研究結果證實,所研發之自動化檢驗系統可有效使加熱萃取時間由半小時降低至5-10分鐘內完成,同時相較於過去經濟部標準檢驗局及衛生署食品藥物管理局所公告之果蔬農藥殘留分析方法,單一樣本之檢驗時間可由2-6小時降低為半小時以內,可有效增加檢驗效率達4-12倍。


The basic procedures of a pesticide residue test method including sample collection, concentration, extraction and analysis, etc. All of these procedures need to be more strictly controlled, because the amount of pesticide residues detected is relatively small, generally less than ng (10^(-9)g), pg (10^(-12)g), or even fg (10^(-15)g) level. Step-by-step manual inspection is not only labor-intensive, but also inconsistent due to inaccurate inspecting processes. Previous literature has shown that the methods of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) are widely used in pesticide residue test. However, they mainly adopt a water bath method to heat up the sample and thus facilitate the extraction of material adsorbed by the fiber. Such a method not only is time consuming but also causes unevenly heating to the sample. To solve the problems mentioned above, this work proposes a microwave-assisted automatic testing system for pesticide residues. The system consists of a programmable logic controller, a 4-axis manipulator, a fiber cleaning device, a touch panel, and a gas chromatography. The use of the microwave heating device can help shorten the extraction time, and the automation technology is adopted to control and monitor the conditions in all of the procedures. The experimental results show that the developed automated inspection system can help reduce the extraction time from half an hour to 5-10 minutes. In addition, the testing time of a single sample can reduce from 2-6 hours to half an hour compared to the methods announced by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection (BSMI) and the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA).
