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Some Reflections on the Literacy Politics Shift in America for the Tendency towards Globalization and Neoliberalism


2002年,「有教無類法」在小布希、Reid Lyon及共和黨議員共同聯手催生下因應而生,至此,美國聯邦閱讀政策轉向植基於科學驗證基礎的系統化發音拼讀法已勿庸置疑。惟當政界、商界與學術界的保守派學者均認為美國正面臨讀寫能力低落的危機,而這種危機並已威脅到美國經濟表現的活力,特別是在全球化、新自由主義盛行的年代,植基於科學驗證基礎下的當代主流讀寫教學法,是否確能提升美國的國家競爭力,已普遍引起各界對此議題的關注。本文首先探討全球化和新自由主義的意涵與影響,然後闡述美國讀寫能力政策轉變的歷程,最後對全球化與新自由主義潮流下,美國讀寫能力政策轉向的適切性提出若干看法,希望在探討美國讀寫能力政策適切性的同時,亦能對當前臺灣教育的發展方向帶來一些啟發性的思考。


In 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act was hammered out by President George Bush, Reid Lyon, and congressional Republicans. Hitherto, the American federal literacy politics has certainly shifted to systematic phonics based on scientific evidence. At the time, politicians, business leaders, and conservative academics all argued that the States suffers from a debilitating literacy crisis which has threatened to the bounce of America's economy, specifically in the era of globalization and neoliberalism. It has received a widespread attention to the question whether scientific-based phonics will help advance the nation's competitiveness. This paper sets out to explore the connotation and the impact of both globalization and neoliberalism. After that, the track of the shift on America's literacy politics was delineated. Finally, some edification pertaining to such literacy politics shift for the tendency towards globalization and neoliberalism was submitted. Hopefully, some edification for Taiwan's education progress could be drawn based on the discussion of literacy politics in the States.


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