  • 期刊


The Cutoff Values of Performance Tests to Separate Community-Dwelling Older Adults with and without Physical Disability


目的:報告目前常用於評估社區老人身體活動表現的測試(三公尺計時起走、計時五次坐站、一般及最快步行速度、功能性手前伸及手握力)於區分身體失能及無失能者的切點值,供臨床使用者解讀測試結果,追蹤功能變化,及提供社會大眾偵測自我身體功能表現。方法:失能狀態以Katz日常生活活動、工具日常生活型活動及活動量表評估,老人若在三種量表中之所有活動皆能獨立完成且不必改變執行方式,則定義為「無失能」;若三種量表中任一項活動能完成但須改變執行方式、需協助或無法獨力完成者,皆定義為「失能」。身體功能表現以三公尺計時起走(timed up & go, TUG)、計時五次坐站(timed five-chair stand, TCS)、一般及最快步行速度(usual & fastest gait speed, UGS, FGS)、功能性手前伸(functional reach, FR)及手握力(grip)來評估。以Receiver operating curve(ROC)找出各身體功能測試區分失能與無失能之切點,男女分別進行。結果:519位居住於社區(268男,251女)的長輩參與本研究,其中300名來自花蓮,219名來自台中。所有受測者中有271位(52.2%)為無失能組,而248位(47.8%)為失能組。身體功能測試區分社區老人失能與無失能之切點,男女分別為:TUG(8.8秒、9.0秒)、TCS(9.4秒、10.4秒)、UGS(1.15 m/s、1.11 m/s)、FGS(1.50 m/s、1.36 m/s)、FR(32.3公分、28.8公分)及Grip(30.5公斤、21.5 公斤)。結論:本研究使用較早出現困難的活動項目及臨床前期的症狀做為指標,所報告的切點作為偵測早期身體功能衰退使用應為適當,所報告的切點亦可用於解讀測驗結果,及供民眾自我監測身體功能表現使用。


社區 老人 身體失能 身體功能測試 切點


Objectives: To report the optimal cutoff points of the timed up & go (TUG), usual &fastest gait speed (UGS & FGS), timed 5-chair stand (TCS), functional reach (FR), and grip strength tests to differentiate the physical able and disabled community-dwelling older men and women.Method: Participants’ physical disability status was assessed by self-reported measures on activities of daily living (ADL), instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), and mobility domains. Individuals who were independent on all three domains were coded as “physically able” otherwise as ”physically disabled”. All participants performed the TUG, FGS, UGS, TCS, FR, and grip strength tests. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve was performed to determine the optimal cutoff value of the five tests.Results: Totally, 519 community-dwelling older adults (268 men, 251 women) volunteered participate this study while 300 and 219 older adults recruited from Hualien city and Taichung city, respectively. Among all, there were 271 (158 male, 113 female) physically abled and 248 (110 male, 138 female) physically disabled. The optimal cutoff values for separating physically abled and disabled older men and women, respectively, are as follows: TUG (8.77s, 9,12s), FGS (1.50 m/s, 1.36 m/s), UGS (1.15 m/s, 1.11 m/s), TCS (9.19s, 10.64s), FR (30.25 cm, 28.75 cm), and grip strength (30.5 kg, 21.5 kg).Conclusion: The reported optimal cutoff values of the six performance tests could help clinicians to interpret the test results and provide public to monitor their own obility-related physical performances.


