  • 期刊


110 m Hurdling Leader Leg Movement Characteristic Research of the Center of Gravity Displacement


前言:探討分析110公尺跨欄技術之身體重心位移、速度、偏移量對於跨欄過程的飛程特性與前導腳特性之影響現象。方法:以臺灣最佳成績之三名110公尺高欄選手為研究個案。利用兩具高速攝影機(200Hz),分別架設在第四道的第三個欄架之左、右前方45度角位置,同步啟動裝置記錄三度空間跨欄的動作,跨欄之數位化運動學的資料,以SIMI動作分析軟體(SIMI Reality Motion System)分析運算所需運動學參數。結果:發現三位受試在身體重心位移、重心速度、重心偏移與前導腳偏移及大腿外展的現象,在跨欄過程的表現中息息相關,各選手在飛程最高的跨欄運動狀態中,可能因個人技術能力高低,進而調整自己動作型態,達到最有利的跨欄效力。結論與建議:由於跨欄跑的成績,取決於運動員的平跑速度、跨越欄架的完善技術,以及跑、跨兩者協調配合的能力,而影響跨欄因素眾多,最具跨欄發展的特性是過欄技術且由實驗得知除飛程特性會影響跨欄重心偏量外,更藉由前導腳起跳至著地大腿外展角度(deg)與著地踝關節水準最大偏移量,觀察出跨欄重心偏移變化,會受前導腳動作變化的外展角度而有所影響動作表現。


跨欄 重心 前導腳 外展角度


Purpose: The purpose of this research was to analyze the center of mass, velocity, and changes in COM in 110 m hurdling technique that may influence hurdle clearance time and the lead leg. Methods: Three athletes participated in this study there were top professional athletes in Taiwan. Two High-speed CCDs were separately placed on either side of the third hurdle in the forth lane. The first High-speed CCD was positioned in front on the left side of the hurdle and the second was positioned on the right side of the hurdle at 45 degrees. Both CCD's were programmed to simultaneously record three dimension images of hurdlers motion. In order to digitalize the hurdlers kinematic data, SIMI Reality Motion System was used to calculate the necessary kinematics parameters. Results present center of mass, velocity, and changes in COM correlated highly to placement of the lead leg and leg abduction. Every athlete must adjust their motion according to their technique ability to achieve the most efficient hurdle clearance time. Success in hurdling is largely determined upon the mastering technique of running velocity and coordinating the clearance time over the hurdle. There are numerous factors that effect hurdling; however the most important factor is the technique of overcoming the hurdle. Results: In this study our results indicated not only did hurdling clearance technique affect the success of the athlete but also the degree of leg abduction of the lead leg from taking off to landing and the ankle joint maximal horizontal movement change during the landing phase. Conclusions: Finally, observation of the abduction angle of the lead leg movement was influenced by the bodies center of mass.


hurdle center of gravity lead leg abduction angle
