  • 期刊


Influence of Academic Achievement and Dropout on Economically Disadvantaged Students: An Investigation of the “Context–Self–Action–Result” Self-System Model of Motivational Development


本研究以「臺灣貧窮兒少資料庫:弱勢兒少生活趨勢調查」第二波至第三波(2011 年至2013年)共1,673位家庭經濟弱勢兒少為研究樣本進行分析,以「脈絡-自我-行動-結果」之動機發展自我系統模式探討情境脈絡因素(家人互動、師生互動)、自我因素(教育期待、自我效能)、行動因素(學業投入)與結果因素(學業表現、中輟傾向)之關係。藉由追蹤資料之結構方程模式分析後,整體模式所獲得的適配度指標顯示模式可被接受,經濟弱勢學生「脈絡-自我-行動-結果」之模式獲得支持;自我因素在家人互動與學業投入之間扮演中介角色,尤以教育期待較為關鍵;良好的師生互動可激發學生的自我效能,亦能透過自我效能間接預測其學業投入;學生教育期待可正向地直接預測其學業投入、間接預測學業表現;學生學業投入程度愈高,學業表現愈佳,並具有降低中輟傾向之追蹤效果。本研究最後根據研究結果提出建議,供教育相關單位及後續研究之參考。


This study examined the self-system model of motivational development (SSMMD) in the “context-self-action-result” process by using 2011-2013 data from the Taiwan Database of Children and Youth in Poverty. The SSMMD suggests that contextual, self-system, and school engagement factors influence academic achievement and dropping out of school and considers the directional effects among these factors. Utilizing structural equation modeling, 1,673 economically disadvantaged students participated in the longitudinal study. The results revealed that (1) social context, self-perception, school engagement, and academic achievement were antecedents of dropping out; (2) students’ self-factor was a mediator between family interaction and academic engagement, specifically with regard to educational expectation; (3) teacher-student interaction predicted students’ self-efficacy directly, which in turn predicted students’ academic engagement indirectly; (4) students’ educational expectations predicted academic engagement directly and academic achievement indirectly; and (5) the greater the students’ academic engagement, the higher their academic achievement. Students’ academic engagement and academic achievement in 2011 were associated with a decreased likelihood of dropping out in 2013. The implications of these findings are discussed from the perspective of cultivating economically disadvantaged students’ learning.


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