  • 期刊


Nursing Student Acceptance of Technology Learning Devices: A Preliminary Study


背景:科技學習載具(如MP4 player、iphone、Tablet PC)的急速發展已經對傳統教與學方式產生了革命性的變革。目的:本研究旨在了解二組研究對象(電腦連結到數位教學平台+MP4 player)vs(電腦連結到數位教學平台)對科技學習輔具的接受度。方法:80位研究對象隨機分配到實驗組及控制組。二組在使用學習輔具後完成「科技學習輔具接受度問卷」及「基本資料問卷」。結果:實驗組在「認知有用性」外和控制組有顯著差異外,二組在「外在因子」、「認知易用性」、「使用態度」、「行爲意向」、「實際行爲」、「整體科技學習輔具接受度」的感受無顯著不同。結論與建議:初步分析發現二組間在「認知有用性」有顯著差異,意謂研究對象對MP4 player所帶來的彈性、便利性、易了解性有正向感受,惟研究結果無法推論二組間在整體科技接受度的差異及各變項的差異。建議未來研究需注意設備的足量,教材的多元,借用的便利,並增加前測、運用不同載具及接受度和學習相關性的評量。


Background: The rapid development of technology learning devices such as the MP4 player, iPhone and tablet PC has revolutionized education. Purposes: This pilot test compared levels of nursing student acceptance of two technology combinations. The first used an MP4 player, computer and e-learning platform; the second used a computer and e-learning platform only. Methods: Researchers recruited 80 participants who were assigned randomly to experimental and control groups. The Technology Acceptance Inventory (TAI) and Demographics Inventory (DI) were used to collect data completion of the intervention. Results: The experimental group scored significantly higher in perceived TAI usefulness. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of overall technology acceptance level or other TAM's sub-concepts. Conclusions and Recommendations: Preliminary analysis found the experimental group had higher perceived usefulness, indicating they had positive perceptions of MP4 player flexibility, convenience, and helpfulness. However, researchers found no significant difference in overall TAM or sub-concept scores. Future research should address issues such as equipment availability, learning material functionality, borrowing policy convenience, inclusion of pre-test, multiple learning device utilization, and correlations between devices and learning outcomes.


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