  • 期刊

Locomotive Sentence Patterns: A Crosslinguistic Study



指示位移動詞「來」、「去」已經有真濟文獻討論過,親像Tang (1979), Shen (1996), Fillmore (1997), Lien (1997), Oshima (2006)。M-koh,大多數ê研究khah注重佇單一語言內底(比如:Fillmore 1997)或者是做兩種語言ê對比分析(比如:Arakawa 1996)。本論文擴大研究ê範圍,對台灣華語、台語(台灣閩南語)、日語以及英語ê趨向句型作對比分析,建立一ê跨語言ê語料庫。Koh來,本論文主要是觀察趨向句型佇動詞片語、形容詞片語iah就是介係詞片語內底語義kap語法表ê互動。透過語料ê觀察,本論文發現詞彙佇趨向句ê共現(co-occurrence),隱藏含意(implication for the hidden element)、替換(substitution)佇這四種語言lìn有無仝ê表現,其中台語ê規律siōng嚴格。透過數位化ê模型建構,本文真清楚去處理並且比較佇無仝ê語言,趨向語語序ê問題。


The deictic motion verbs have been broadly investigated in the literature (e.g., Fillmore, 1997; Lien, 1997; Oshima, 2006; Shen, 1996; Tang, 1979, etc.). However, many of them discuss the deictic motion verbs within one language (e.g., Fillmore, 1997) and some crosslinguistically compare the locomotive sentence patterns (e.g., Arakawa, 1996). This paper extends the locomotive sentence patterns across languages: Taiwanese, Mandarin, Japanese and English, trying to build up a crosslinguistic database. The interaction between semantics and syntactic representations in VP, AP and IP will be the main concern. By examining the corpus, this paper finds that there are certain rules in locomotive terms in the co-occurrence, implication for the hidden element and substitution. Among those four languages, Taiwanese is strictest with the collocation of deictic motional terms. Also, the compared locomotive sentence patterns are mathematically shown.


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