  • 期刊


Strategies and Critical Issues of Building Energy Management on University Campus: Case Study of NTUST


「校園建築能源管理」是「大學校園永續經營」目標下的重要課題之一。本研究試圖從「大學主管及設施管理者」的立場,探討大專院校進行其校園建築能源管理時所需面對的課題。本研究以台灣科技大學為個案研究對象,進行三項研究內容:探究其歷年之用電概況與特性、調查其既有節能措施與考量因素、及提出大學校園建築能源管理之策略與關鍵課題。研究結果顯示台灣科技大學歷年的總用電量隨著學校成長而逐年上升;用電指標EUI值亦上升至133.7 kWh/m^2 -年(二者每年增幅約6%)。各棟建築物之用電指標EUI值呈現相當大的差異,最高者(220.1 kWh/m^2 -年)為最低者(63.6)的3.5倍。不同類建築之EUI值分佈亦有顯著的差異,其中「研究類」建築EUI平均值最高(189.8 kWh/m^2 -年)、「宿舍類」居中(111.4)、「文教類」最低(66.6)。其次,台灣科技大學近年來實施的節能措施有六大類(管理、構造、電梯、電力、空調、照明);主要實施對象為公共性質之建築物、照明與電力系統、及低成本的管理系統或建築設備系統之微幅改造。最後,本研究認為大專院校若要有效地進行其建築能源管理,應以建立其「能源管理制度」為首要任務,並解決以下四大關鍵課題:(1)建立積極的「責任分區能源管理辦法」;(2)建置電錶、協助各單位監測其實際用電量;(3)建構「能源解析標準作業程序」、各單位長期進行能源解析、據以界定其「合理耗能量」與「節能目標」;(4)研擬客觀的「能源效率評估方法」、進行全校性能源效率之評比。


'Energy management' of educational facilities has become an important agenda for existing educational institutions in Taiwan, due to the governmental 'Energy Policy'. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) is used as a case in this study to analyze its energy consumption status, to summarize its energy-saving schemes and projects it has conducted, and to conclude the strategies and critical energy management issues for existing educational facilities. This study has found that the annual electricity consumption and average energy usage intensity (EUI) of NTUST has grown to 25.5 million kWh/yr and 133.7 kWh/m2-yr (roughly 6% increase annually), and the EUIs of individual buildings have a large variance (63.6~220.1 kWh/m2-yr), indicating there are great varieties of electricity demands among different departments. In addition, NTUST has conducted six types of energy saving projects (management, enclosure, elevator, electricity, HVAC, and lighting systems). Finally, it's concluded that existing educational institutions need to resolve four major issues in order to achieve higher level of energy efficiency of their facilities: to establish comprehensive 'energy management system', to monitor or estimate the electricity consumption of individual departments, to build standard procedures of energy analysis capable of identifying reasonable energy consumption for individual departments, to set up a energy efficiency evaluation tool to compare energy efficiency among departments.


Liao, K. H., & Huang, S. C. (2022). A Framework for Campus Meter Data Analysis and The Application in Demand Side Management: A Case Study in NYCU. 物業管理學報, 13(2), 67-77. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=20765509-202209-202210260010-202210260010-67-77
