  • 期刊


Development of Diagnostic Model for Deterioration of External Wall Tiles


經歷1981年的營建業成長高峰期後,至今臺灣多數建築物屋齡已逾30餘年,其建築外牆因法令未強制規範定期檢查與維護更新,導致近年來外牆危安事件層出不窮,形成公共安全隱藏的危機。本研究旨在研擬建築物外牆磁磚劣化診斷檢查方法,依據劣化程度共區分為一次診斷及二次診斷。並就不同的劣化結果進行公共安全影響分級,及提出因應更新整建建議。一次診斷主要以目視診斷為主,透過外牆磁磚D. E. R目視診斷劣化評估方法檢查後,計算外牆磁磚狀況指標,其結果再以公共安全影響性進行分級。二次診斷則針對一次診斷結果較模糊之位置進行打音檢查,並以快速傅立葉轉換及圖形辨識方法判斷打音結果,及提出因應的整建策略。最後,本研究提出外牆磁磚劣化標準診斷評估準則與更新建議,以及外牆磁磚劣化診斷標準作業流程,與建議政府未來的修法方向,做為政府未來指定都市更新整建維護優先地區之參考依據。


In 1981 Taiwan entered a period of intense construction, meaning that today many buildings are more than 30 years old. Lack of maintenance has led to frequent safety incidents involving external walls. This study focuses on a deterioration diagnostic model for external wall tiles of aged buildings, using both stage 1 and stage 2 diagnostic methods. The visual test results are categorized based on impact on public safety, and renovation strategies are proposed. Stage 1 diagnosis mainly adopted the DER visual inspection deterioration assessment method. For enhance the accuracy, this research adopted the Infrared Thermal Imaging detection method to double confirm the visual inspection results. After producing an external wall tile Condition Indicator (CI). For stage 1 diagnostic results that fall in a grey area, stage 2 diagnosis was carried out using a tap tone test, followed by fast Fourier transform and pattern recognition to analyze the tapping results. Finally, the study provides a deterioration evaluation criteria for external wall tiles replacement recommendations and a standard operating procedure for deterioration diagnosis. The study also recommends directions for future amendment of regulations, and provides a basis of reference for the government in determining urban renewal, renovation and maintenance strategies.


Chiang, Li-Wei,Guo, Sy-Jye(2014).Advanced deterioration diagnosis model for building external wall tiles.The Second Annual Conference on Civil Engineering and Engineering.(The Second Annual Conference on Civil Engineering and Engineering).:


