

In early 2010, the research group Sapiens Research began an investigation on indicators of science, technology and innovation (CT+I), and linked to higher education institutions (IES) in Colombia. This was done in order to develop a quantitative model that would allow to build a ranking, which was titled ”Ranking U-Sapiens Colombia ”, to be known twice a year, to all national and international communities. To do so, it addressed the IES and obtained data that met these three indicators: (1) master's and doctoral programs (public data are available on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education), (2) research groups (Colciencias), and (3) journals in Publindex (Colciencias). Of the 125 credited universities (U) and 114 non-credited universities (IU) active, only 61 (U) and 3 (IU) met these requirements. The top 5 universities are in Bogota, Medellin and Cali. 25 of these 64 IES are public. The first 5 universities in the ranking match the positions occupied by two internationally recognized rankings (the Scimago and Webometrix). The high correlation between the scores of the ranking data and other indicators (related to scientific production and economic situation) showed their objectivity, accuracy and precision. This model U-Sapiens Ranking Colombia was registered with the National Directorate of Copyright and was presented as a paper to the scientific and academic community at the National Research and Development- Enid 2010. This ranking will help high school students interested in research to guide their expectations for appearing at a college or university, provide a very objective radiography with respect to the maturity of the IES, challenge for principals, leaders of research groups and publishers improve indicators CT+I, and serve as a tool for political actors to focus their efforts more strategically.
