  • 期刊


Screening suitable factors for college students on community care services




College students, dedicated to enhance their experiences on social participation, community-based service learning experience, and internship programs, have become their learning experiences recently. In this study, we used a post-modern education approach to adopt photo-voice/video elicitation to learn "physical experience". We collected collaborative ethnography on some community dances based on databases and archives, established the actual art-based research. The factor analysis has been determined that necessary resources have been requested to be involved for college students in most domestic and foreign projects on communities. The results demonstrated that 59 necessary contents of community services have been categorized to be listed respectively: (1) venues, (2) supplies, (3) money, (4) manpower, (5) professional knowledge, (6) professional equipment, (7) patience, and (8) deep love. Three dominances have also extracted and determined, such as Factor I: labor service; Factor II: high-quality resource service; and Factor III: professional services, respectively. Final results suggest that the community justice and environmental justice would be able to demonstrate through the emphasizing on the importance of community service value and social norms through post-modernism educational philosophy.
