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The Guang Da Xing No. 28 Shooting Incident: Comparison of National News Agency Coverage Between Taiwan and the Philippines




The shooting incident involving the fishing vessel Guang Da Xing No. 28 that occurred in May 2013 caused a diplomatic crisis between Taiwan and the Philippines and attracted worldwide attention. A content analysis was conducted focused on coverage of this incident by the major national news agencies of the two involved countries, namely Central News Agency (CNA) and Philippines News Agency (PNA), as well as in-depth interviews of the two sides. Findings suggest Taiwan's CNA covered the incident more intensively than the Philippine's PNA, with eight times as many reports, and furthermore that PNA tended to be more rational and objective than its Taiwanese counterpart. As for the media's framing of the incident, both sides mostly employed emotional appeals in their respective news text despite most of the actual news content related to the incident being legal in nature. Due to Taiwan assuming the role of victim in the incident, in addition to pressure from Taiwanese public opinion, CNA had more news domestication than PNA, which catered to a readership from a country seen as the injurer in the dispute. Nationalist sentiments in CNA were also aroused when PNA tried to deal with the incident under the so-called "One China Policy," a policy Taiwan has opposed for many years. Ultimately, coverage by the two news agencies eventually evolved toward a basically neutral stance, with clashes related to news coverage being minimized together with a tendency to produce positive reports to maintain the image and interests of their respective home countries.


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Bryant, J., & Miron, D. (2004). Theory and research in mass communication. Journal of Communication, 54, 662-704. doi:10.1111/j.1460-2466.2004.tb02650.x
