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Domesticating the French Pastry: A Case Study on Artisanal French Pastries as Cultural Intermediaries in Taipei




飲食品牌 文化中介 品味 消費文化 真實


This study aims to contextualize the production of a nascent French pastry culture as a new urban cultural phenomenon in Taiwan and a process of cross-cultural communication in relation to culinary culture. We contextualize dietary culture according to three aspects: production, circulation, and access. Furthermore, we examine the agency of a group of highly educated chefs who have received their training in France. The main methodology of the study consists of participant observation and in-depth interviews. This study analyzes the motivations of the chefs and their process of accumulating bodily knowledge, culinary techniques, and cultural capital during their transnational movement. Facing competition from transnational pastry brands, many of the pastry chefs involved in the study have decided to build their own brands upon returning to Taiwan. These chefs have used their pastry shops as spaces to perform their unique interpretation of the taste and style of French pastries and maintain direct communication with their customers. In their shops and in the media, the chefs actively create a discourse on authenticity and cultural meanings associated with French pastries. As digital natives, many of the chefs have built their professional networks through social media and appealed to a niche consumer market that identifies with taste and value. These conditions have led to the development of a new French dessert culture in urban Taiwan.


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