  • 期刊


Ven. Chuan-dao's Wits and His Buddhist Practice: A Brief Comment from Five Sciences' Point of View




傳道法師 五明 聲明 因明 醫方明 工巧明 內明


Master Yin-shun is a pious follower of Humanistic Buddhism. Abbot of Tainan Miaoshin Temple, Ven. Chuan-dao, whose goal is to preach dharma and practice, and is highly valued by the Buddhist, cultural and educational circles, the environmental protection community included. Such extraordinary achievements he has made lies in various causes so this paper analyzes those reasons from the viewpoint of five sciences, to understand the foundation of his Buddhist wits and practice.The five sciences are the five academic fields in ancient India, including science of language (śabda-vidyā), science of logic (hetu-vidyā), science of medicine (cikitsā-vidyā), science of fine arts and crafts (śilpakarma-vidyā), and science of spirituality (adhyātma-vidyā). Science of language includes comprehending the meaning of a word and classifying different ideas. Knowing how to trick or build apparatus, and the work of nature and universe belongs to science of fine arts and crafts. Incantation, black magic, medicine, acupuncture, and moxibustion are all included in science of medicine. Science of logic is to differentiate what is right and what is wrong, what is true and what is false. A fully comprehension of five vehicles of Buddhism and the work of cause and effect is also needed in the science of spirituality. In short, five sciences contain everything that a Mahayana Bodhisattva has to learn. Ven. Chuan-dao, equipped with the five sciences and the essence of world civilization, is thus admired and respected by all walks of life.Five sciences form the content of wits and wisdom, which turns into the drive to Buddhist practice. Ven. Chuan-dao emphasizes both the comprehension and the practices, so he could guard Buddhism and traditional moral principles with the dauntless spirit. This paper aims to discover and make sense of Ven. Chuan-dao's boundless image from the viewpoint of five sciences and the context of his dealing with things.
