  • 期刊


A Study on Scale of Technology Readiness of Golf Sports Participants


本研究以Parasuraman & Colby(1997)的科技準備度理論為基礎,並修改孫世鈞(2010)使用者對於行動服務的持續使用意圖之量表,以驗證性因素分析,建構高爾夫球參與者科技準備度量表。本研究以中部高爾夫球參與者為研究對象,採立意抽樣方式進行問卷調查,共計發出問卷268份,回收問卷268份,回收率達100%,經剔除無效問卷後,獲得有效問230份,有效問卷率85.8%。研究結果顯示,本量表具有良好的收斂效度,且區別效度達顯著。所以,本研究高爾夫球參與者科技準備度量表是一個具有樂觀、創新、不適應及不安全四種因素的一階多因子模式的量表。


Based on the technology readiness of Parasuraman & Colby(1997), this study modified the scale of the continuous users' intention toward mobile services proposed by Sun(2010) to construct the scale of technology readiness of golf sports participants with confirmatory factor analysis. Participants of golf sports in Central Taiwan are investigated as the research subject through the use of a questionnaire and purposive sampling. In total, 268 copies of the questionnaire were issued with a 100% response rate and 230 valid copies, accounting for 85.5%. Research results indicate good convergence validity and significant discriminant validity. Thus, this scale of technology readiness of golf sports participants is a one-stage-multiple-factor model with four factors: optimism, innovativeness, discomfort, and insecurity.


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