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An Integrated Study on Disaster Prevention for Cultural Heritages with Fire Risk as an Example


聯合國教科文組織與世界遺產(World Heritage)締約國家(State Parties)在文化資產保存與活化再利用階段,已開始透過災害風險管理系統、災害風險評估分析及災害風險地圖的繪製等防災措施,進行人文與科技調和方案之推動,建立災害風險評估機制及管理計畫,以達到古蹟保存及防災目標。臺灣在文化部及各界的推動下,古蹟歷史建築不論在修復、再利用或管理維護階段,防災作為與因應措施也已成為必要評估審視之項目,並律定以災害風險評估方式研擬防災計畫及再利用因應計畫。然而在古蹟歷史建築消防安全規劃方面,缺乏完整的操作邏輯、程序與方法,導致造成無效的投資及對古蹟歷史建築文化資產價值及人員安全負面影響之情況。本文以世界性文化資產災害風險管理與風險評估觀點,探討國內文化資產保存與防災調和方案之關鍵性作法,並提出適宜簡易操作的火災風險評估方法,供古蹟歷史建築相關單位(Stakeholders)參考應用。


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and countries leading historic preservation movement have incorporated the use of disaster risk management, risk assessment and risk mapping during the process of historic preservation and adaptive reuse to reduce the risk and impact of disasters. Through years of historic preservation and research, UNESCO and many historic preservation organizations have developed a basic framework for risk assessment and management that balances historic preservation and risk reduction. In the current preservation movement of Taiwan, supported by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and various sectors, risk assessment has become the required essential element for risk reduction of historic properties undergoing rehabilitation, adaptive reuse, and emergency response management planning. All historic properties that are expecting major alterations must submit a disaster response plan to their designated authorities based on the results of a disaster risk assessment. However, in some cases didn't comply with the goals because of lack practice and methodology to result in ineffective investment and negative effects. In order to make proper strategy and measures, this paper proposed a simple disaster risk assessment and decision making procedure of response plan for historic building stakeholders.


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內閣府中央防災会議,2012,〈防災基本計画〉。2013 年7 月15 日,摘錄自http://www.bousai.go.jp/taisaku/keikaku/pdf/20111227_basic_plan.pdf
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