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National Taiwan University Assists in Disaster Management Information Integration of Water-Related Disasters for New Taipei City


新北市全國人口最多,面山靠海,自然災害潛勢包括:都會區淹水、山崩、土石流(232 條)、火山潛勢、地震災潛(山腳斷層)與海嘯等。近年的強降雨,如2012 年0612 豪雨,造成淹水;2015年蘇迪勒颱風造成三峽、新店、烏來水土災害;2017 年0602 梅雨鋒面造成北海岸水土災害,顯示防救災情資的重要。本文介紹國立臺灣大學協助新北市進行水土災害潛勢的情資研判方法,除取得中央研判情資外,並與國家災害防救科技中心針對暴潮預測進行合作,提供給新北市颱風與暴雨應變情資包括:水庫洩洪與分洪警戒、河川水位現況/預報、漁/商港暴潮預報、都市淹水範圍、崩塌機率等。由其擔任中央與新北市情資橋梁,使新北市能獲得更精緻的防救災情資,減少生命財產的損失。


New Taipei City (NTC) is the most populated area of Taiwan, and there coastal and mountainous areas. The natural disaster potentials urban flooding, landslides, debris flow (232 streams), volcano eruption, earthquake (Shanchiao Fault), and tsunami. Heavy rainfall events in recent years include torrential rain of 06/12/2012 which caused flooding in NTC; Typhoon Soudelor caused serious water-related disasters in Wulai District, Xindian District, and Sanxia District; and the plum rain frontals on 06/02/2017 brought torrential rain to the northern coast of NTC which induced floods and sediment-related disasters. It shows the importance of the applications of disaster prevention information for reducing impacts of disasters. This paper demonstrates how National Taiwan University (NTU) assists in analyzing disaster-prevention information to NTC. NTU cooperates with National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction to provide the storm surge simulations to NTC as well as information from central emergency operation center (CEOC). The information provided includes current/ simulated river water surface level, the release of reservoir/ diversion channel discharge, urban flood warning, storm surge of fishing/commercial ports, and landslide probability. During the operation of CEOC, NTU acts as a bridge between CEOC/NCDR and NTC for passing the information from CEOC/NCDR to NTC. Thus, the disaster management information can be used for disaster reduction.


Chen, W. B.,Liu, W. C.(2014).Modeling flood inundation induced by river flow and storm surges over a river basin.Water.6,3182-3199.
