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Effect of Detraining for Several Days on Oxygen Consumption and Energy Metabolism during Graded Maximal Exercise in Endurance Athletes


目的:農曆年假期間,耐力運動員會中斷訓練數日,並攝取豐盛飲食,目前缺乏研究探討此短期中斷訓練對耐力運動員運動表現與能量代謝的影響。本研究目的為探討農曆過年期間中斷訓練7-9日,對優秀大學男性耐力運動員攝氧能力,及漸增性最大運動期間能量代謝的影響。方法:中斷訓練前後,11名男性長跑選手進行漸增性最大跑步運動測試,並分析受試者運動測試各階段的氣體與血液樣本。結果:中斷訓練後,全身及肌肉組織最大攝氣能力顯著降低(中斷前:74.31 ± 4.41 mL/min/kg body weight,83.04 ± 5.24 mL/min/kg fat free mass;中斷後:71.65 ± 4.75 mL/min/kg body weight,80.85 ± 5.67 mL/min/kg fat free mass),無氧閾值出現在較高的最大攝氧量百分比時(中斷前:69.40 ± 16.17%;中斷後:80.45 ± 3.99%),且運動測試18與21分鐘時呼吸交換率、碳水化合物氧化率皆顯著較低,脂肪氧化率則顯著較高。結論:本研究結果顯示,在中斷訓練7-9日後,漸增性運動後期可能傾向於利用較高比例的脂肪作為能量來源,使無氧代謝較晚參與運動能量代謝,但對運動直至衰竭的時間並無顯著影響。因此,耐力運動員停止訓練應避免超過10日,以減少可能的負面影響。


Purpose: Endurance athletes commonly arrange detraining and consume rich food for several days during the Chinese new year. There is little research examining the effect on exercise performance and energy metabolism for such short-term detraining. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of detraining for 7-9 days on oxygen consumption and energy metabolism during grade d maximal exercise in college male endurance athletes. Methods: Eleven male distance runners underwent the graded maximal exercise before and after a 7-9-day detraining period during the Chinese new year. The expired gas and blood samples in each stage of the exercise test were analyzed. Results: After detraining, the capacity of oxygen consumption in whole body and muscle tissues after detraining significantly decreased in elite endurance athletes (pre-detraining: 74.31 ± 4.41 mL/min/kg body weight, 83.04 ± 5.24 mL/min/kg fat free mass; post-detraining: 71.65 ± 4.75 mL/min/kg body weight, 80.85 ± 5.67 mL/min/kg fat free mass). The anaerobic threshold, expressed as the percentage of maximal oxygen consumption, was significantly higher after detraining (pre-detraining: 69.40 ± 16.17 %; post-detraining: 80.45 ± 3.99 %). The respiratory exchange ratio and carbohydrate oxidation rate were significantly decreased at 18 and 21 min during the incremental exercise test after detraining, while fat oxidation rate was significantly increased. Conclusion: The results suggested that after a 7-9-day detraining period, the athletes may favor fat as the energy source during the later stages of the graded exercise test. In addition, the participation of anaerobic metabolism was delayed during the exercise test. However, the time to fatigue remained unchanged. Therefore, endurance athletes may want to limit their detraining period to less than 10 days, in order to prevent the possible negative effects of detraining.
