  • 期刊


The Study of Applying Eye-Tracking Technique on Online Assisted-Testing Design of Mathematics Word Problems for Elementary Low-Achiever


本研究旨在探討運用眼動追蹤技術,深入瞭解學生數學文字題的解題歷程,並針對其觀察結果,結合Mayer 解題策略,設計適合國小低成就學生使用的文字題輔助線上測驗教材。研究對象為臺北市某國小四年級學生7 位低成就與3 位高成就學生。本研究共進行兩次實驗,第一次實驗材料為模擬iCBM 測驗畫面教材,第二次實驗材料為輔助iCBM 文字題測驗之數位教材。本研究主要探究低成就學生使用輔助iCBM 文字題測驗之數位教材,能否協助文字題之學習;並探討學生在不同教材眼動相關資料。研究結果如下:一、輔助iCBM 文字題測驗之數位教材對國小四年級數學低成就學生在兩步驟文字題之學習有所助益。二、學生在使用輔助iCBM 文字題測驗之數位教材比模擬iCBM 教材上總凝視時間較少,且在階層基模題型的凝視時間也顯著較少。在輔助iCBM 數位教材設計上,學生在三種文字題型念題目凝視時間大致相同,在量詞的凝視時間多於關鍵詞;在看動畫的圖區凝視時間多於文區。三、輔助iCBM 文字題動畫中圖的凝視時間與低成就學生整體答題正確率呈現正相關。四、在階層基模與分享整體基模文字題目上,低成就比高成就學生的眼睛來回移動較多,凝視點也較多;但在分享部分基模的題目類型上,兩者差異較少。本研究運用眼動追蹤資訊分析國小低成就學生在解題策略設計輔助線上測驗之數學文字題解題能力,可作為未來教學與研究之參考。


The study applied eye-tracking on students' problem-solving process of word problems in math. Based on Mayer's problem-solving strategies, this study presented the online testing courseware of mathematics word problems for low-achievers in elementary school. There were seven fourth-grade low-achieving and three high-achieving students participated. Two materials adopted in the eye-tracking experiment: the Simulated iCBM Online Test material and Assisted iCBM word problems Test material. The results were as follows: 1. The low-achieving students performed better on the Assisted iCBM word problems material than the Simulated iCBM Online Test material while solving two-step math word problems. 2. Low-achievers' fixation duration on the Assist iCBM word problems Test material is less than the Simulate iCBM Online Test material. Students' fixation duration on the hierarchical scheme of word problems on Assist iCBM metrical was significantly less than on the Simulate iCBM material. In terms of designs on the Assist iCBM material, students' fixation duration was no differences among three types of word problems in the voice narrations. They performed more fixation duration on the marked numerical terms than marked relational terms. They also performed more fixation duration on the graphic animation than text animation. 3. Students' fixation duration on the graphics design of animation in the Assist iCBM word problems was positive correlated with the accuracy of word problems. 4. The low-achiever' scan paths on the hierarchical scheme and sharing-whole scheme types of word problems were more unstable than high-achieving students. There was no differences between them on the sharing-part scheme questions.


