  • 期刊


The Meaningful Culture of the Sung Chiang Battle Array in Ruohanmen


古稱羅漢門的高雄縣門鄉,目前仍維繫著傳統的民俗藝陣-宋江陣,本研究為了探討羅漢門宋江陣的文化意涵,採行文獻分析法與田野調查,自民國九十年始進行了二年多的研究,獲得以下的結論: 現今存在於內門鄉共有宋江陣十九陣,由於社會的變遷,宋江陣的保家衛民的功能已逐漸淡去,羅漢門宋江陣已變成廟會慶典時的重要角色,羅漢門宋江陣在民間信仰的大力支持之下在內門完整的保存下來,並利用廟會節慶時展現而出。 近年來由於政府提倡,人民普遍意識到鄉土文化的重要,故羅漢門宋江陣表演變成人們重視鄉土文化的一個重要指標。按理,羅漢門宋江陣的原始風貌應為身體活動的本質、傳統文化的保存、倫常關係的維持、團結鄉里的情懷、地方特色的表徵。但由於近年來的外力介入,羅漢門宋江陣已逐漸失去了他原有的社教功能,羅漢門宋江陣已在現代文明的侵蝕之下,慢慢的迷失了原樣,尤其是政治的恩怨、觀光產業的介入,在在使得深具傳統文化意涵的羅漢門宋江陣,已出現了解構的危機。


羅漢門 宋江陣 文化


Neimen township in Kaohsiung County, once called Ruohanmen, is still hold the traditional folk custom together-the Sung Chiang Battle Array. In order to probe into the meaning culture of the Sung Chiang Battle Array in Ruohanmen, the researcher took both methods of the analyzing documents and investigating into field. Since 2001, the researchers had studied for two years and the conclusions are below: The Sung Chiang Battle Array in Ruohanmen in today exists nineteen battle arrays. Due to the change society, the Sung Chiang Battle Array falls out of the function of protecting the family and civilian. Nowadays Sung Chiang Battle Array in Ruohanmen becomes an important ceremony of a temple fair. However, the Sung Chiang Battle Array was able to completely preserve in Neimen by the folk belief and was exhibited as a ceremony in a temple celebrating. According to the advocating of government in recent years, people realize the importance of the native culture. Thus, the Sung Chiang Battle Array becomes a significant norm to value the native culture. Originally, the firsthand style and features of Sung Chiang Battle Array are the essence of the natural physical activities, the preservation of the traditional culture, keeping the normal human relationship, the noble thoughts of uniting the hometown and the form of the local characteristics. But the intervening of outside force, the Sung Chiang Battle Array lose gradually the original function of societal education. Furthermore, under the feeling of gratitude or resentment in the politics and the interfering of tourism make the Sung Chiang Battle Array, the meaningful traditional culture, fall into the crisis of separation.


