  • 期刊


Tourism Image Analysis: An Application of Method That Combines Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique and Means-End Model


本研究結合隱喻誘引法(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique)和方法目標連結模式(means-end model)探討台北縣淡水地區所呈現的旅遊地意象;由於意象本身屬於消費者心理層面特質,通常不具明確架構性,本研究採用探索受測者心中概念背後隱藏意義的「隱喻誘引法」與方法目標鏈結,將隱喻誘引法所篩選出的受訪者陳述與意義表現,透過「屬性層級」、「結果層級」和「目標層級」加以分解,歸納出台北縣淡水地區旅遊地意象。結果發現,「自由」和「愛與歸屬」之心理意象出現次數較多;互動與關聯之結構性意象上,「視野」出現在較多受訪者的意象中;結構性意象之地景地標部份,呈現多種風貌。本研究採用兩研究方法之融合,同時呈現出旅遊意象之分類組成與意義內涵,期望提供旅遊地意象研究之方法工具創新。


This research combines Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) and the means-end model to explore the tourism image of area of Tamsui. Survey method is used by many tourism image researchers to understand visitors' perception of area image. However, tourism image is processed psychologically within a complex context of inner preference and life experiences. ZMET and means-end model jointed and qualitative method is suitable to be adopted in the image study. To analyze materials gathered from the tourists' descriptions of ”attribute”, ”means”, and ”ends” of the Tamsui tour reveals more information of tourists' images in depth. The study shows that the merge of these two methods provides an effective way to understand the compositions of image categories and meaning behind it.


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薄芫芫(2016)。以隱喻抽取技術探討特定地景與目的地意象之關聯 ~~以龍井區竹坑南寮步道為例~~〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-1108201714032860
