  • 期刊


Performance Effects of PETTLEP Imagery on Jump Shot in Basketball Players


目的:本研究在比較PETTLEP模式之介入意象、傳統介入意象和控制組間,在籃球移位跳投的表現差異。PETTLEP是為了產生功能相等性(functionally equivalent)意象的一套意象指導模式。本研究探討該模式中,身體、環境、情緒三要素的介入,和傳統意象方法相比較,對籃球運動員移位跳投表現的影響。方法:以22名國立花蓮高級中學男子籃球隊為研究對象,以隨機分配方式分為:PETTLEP意象組、傳統意象組以及控制組。依照預先擬定的意象腳本對二組意象組進行為期4週,每週4次,共16次的意象訓練。PETTLEP意象組穿著籃球服裝在籃球場進行跳投意象訓練,傳統意象組則在安靜教室進行意象訓練。實驗結束,以意象操作問卷對實驗組進行意象介入情形瞭解。所得資料以混合設計二因子變異數分析,考驗三組在籃球移位跳投前、後測的技能表現差異情形,並以描述統計分析二組實驗組的意象介入情形。結果:經統計分析後,PETTLEP意象組、傳統意象組以及控制組,在籃球移位跳投的表現並無顯著差異。結論:PETTLEP意象與傳統意象在本實驗介入後,可能由於參與者心智狀態、計分不夠嚴謹、腳本個別化及介入次數不足等因素,以致對籃球移位跳投技能表現未有差異效益顯現。建議未來研究必須考量上述因素,進一步釐清探討。


Purpose: This study was aimed to compare the performance differences among the interference imagery of PETTLEP model, traditional interference imagery and the control group. PETTLEP is an imagery direction model to generate functionally equivalent imagery. This study compared the performance effect of basketball athletes in terms of movement and jump shot under interferences of physical, environment and emotion such three factors in PETTLEP model and traditional imagery. Methods: Twenty two players from male basketball team of National Hualien Senior High School were randomly divided into PETTLEP imagery group, traditional imagery group and control group. The imagery training based on planned imagery scenario was applied to subjects in both imagery groups. The training lasted 4 weeks, 4 times per week, total 16 times. PETTLEP imagery group performed a jump shot imagery training on court as wearing basketball jersey, while the traditional imagery group performed a imagery training at quiet classroom. By the end of experiment, the imagery questionnaires aiming at experimental groups were given to understand the interference conditions. The two-way Analysis of variance, mixed design was applied to examine the differences of skill performances before and after the movement and jump shot among three groups. Meanwhile, the descriptive statistics was adopted to analyze the imagery interference between two experimental groups. Results: The statistical analyses showed that there was no significant difference on movement and jump shot performance among PETTLEP imagery, traditional imagery and control groups. Conclusion: This data concludes that the mental conditions of participants, imperfect score counting, individualized scenario and insufficient times of interference may result for the non-significant differences on movement and jump shot skill performances. It is recommended that the researches may consider the above factors to provide further clarification and discussion.


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