  • 期刊

Weight Loss and Cancer Risk Reduction



肥胖與癌症已經成為台灣及其他已開發國家重要的健康議題。目前已知肥胖與許多疾病有著密切的關係,像是高血壓,糖尿病或心臟病。自2002年International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC)釋出的第一份有關肥胖與癌症之間關係的報告以來。愈來愈多的文章探討肥胖與癌症之間的關係及相關的機轉。隨著近幾年來台灣肥胖及癌症的盛行率不斷的上升,儼然成為我國公共衛生重要的議題。目前為止,大部份文獻著重於體重增加及癌症風險的上升,較少有文章探討減重是否能降低癌症的風險。本篇文章回顧了這方面有限的文獻,發現減重似乎與某些癌症的風險有關。但是這部份的資料大多來自於減重手術術後的追蹤調查,接受手術的病人其術前的體重較一般肥胖病患有著相當大的差距。因此此研究結果對一般非病態性肥胖病人的詮釋上必需要更加的小心。


肥胖 減重 降低罹癌風險


Both obesity and cancer are significant public health issues in Taiwan, as well as in other developed countries. In particular, obesity has numerous well-known comorbidities including hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Since the first large study focusing on the association between cancer and obesity was performed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2002, there has been an increasing number of reports of the possible mechanisms underlying this relationship in the literature. We hereby review the current literature to assess the effect of intentional loss of body weight on cancer risk. We found that despite current evidence indicating that body weight loss may decrease the risk of certain malignancies, much of this data arises from patients treated by bariatric surgery. For those patients without ”morbid” obesity, the results of these studies should be cautiously interpreted before more comprehensive clinical guidance is proposed for the general population.
