



手術室 第一台刀 準時率


Operation rooms are one of the most costly areas of hospital. The use of manpower and material resources could be more efficient through maximizing the efficiency of use of operating room and process management. We noticed that the punctuality of starting the first operation in our operation rooms are often delayed, and thus result in overtime working and complaint of staffs. A survey of the current situation at our hospital showed a mean punctuality rate of 69.2%, with problems mainly consisting of late check-in by outpatients longer surgical preparation time, failure to provide pre-anesthesia consultation to inpatients, and failure to mark the surgical site. The objective of this project was to enhance the punctuality rate of starting the first operation through surgical teamwork. After having introduced measures of improvement, such as revision of the norm for preoperative telephone interviews and education pamphlets, staff training in preoperative phone interview, revision of patient transportation procedures, establishment of an auditing and penalty system, introduction of standard and procedures of preoperative preparation with head nurse, and introduction of the priority of anesthesia for operations that require longer preparation. After implementing of the improvement project, the punctuality rate of starting the first operation increased from 69.2% to 88.4%. Our result reveals that the work efficiency and the management benefit can be improved through enhancing quality of surgical care.
