  • 會議論文


The issues of Long Term Maintenance Cost Estimation System




This paper describes the Long term facility management and Long Term Maintenance Cost Estimation with evaluation is a very complex and problematic process. In order to improve the facility management by arrangements, it is necessary to understand the building way of production quality and features of services which are considered most important by owners. In this paper is an approach to the classified management of equipment at initial stage by an architecture design and equipment choose types of quality. The views on these relations by used stages between the grade and maintenance of budgets. To apply these grade modules of concepts principle. In This research can be divided into four to consideration. The first item is "Maintenance Frequency", the second item is "Consumer Price Index"while third is "Construction Cost Index" and the fourth item is "Cost of Equipment". The maintain budgets for 25-30 years sure be made program before start construction by needs.
