  • 會議論文


Application of Using Building Doctor Navigation System in High-tech Property Management


由於目前多數建築物管理系統並未以記錄建物病史紀錄與診斷結果為重點,除了導致多數維護診斷紀錄因缺乏一致性與結構化而使參考價值降低外,未能於現場作業掌握即時、簡要且有價值的資訊來進行診斷與決策管理,也是物業管理者目前面臨的一項主要作業困擾。本研究將建築醫學創新概念與建築疾病分類導入至建築物維護管理流程上,開發一套以電子建築病歷表(Electronic Building Medical Record, eBMR)為核心,並輔以模糊比對(Fuzzy Matching)資料庫萃取技術的建築醫生導航系統(Building DoctorNavigation System, BDNS),再透過BDNS簡化設計與行動應用程式(APP)的結合,研發出符合現場實務使用需求的行動化智慧設施診斷系統(Mobile and Intellectual FacilityDiagnosis System, MIFDS)。在BDNS及MIFDS的協助下,可達到提升作業決策品質、提升管理效能、加速作業的診斷流程、解決過去現場資料存取不易的問題及縮短人員在建物診斷作業上的專業養成時間等效益。


In building management works, most of maintenance and diagnosis records are not only inconsistent and non-structured, but also undermines the referential value of historical maintenance data. That makes it difficult to immediately obtain concise and valuable information for diagnosis and decision-making at the work site. Based on electronic building medical records, this study used the innovative concept of Building Medicine to establish a Building Doctor Navigation System (BDNS) that integrates building disease classification into the managerial process of building maintenance, and is supplemented by fuzzy matching data-extraction techniques. Furthermore, this study also used the mobile devices to develop a Mobile and Intellectual Facility Diagnosis System (MIFDS). The BDNS and MIFDS enable to reduce the time required for diagnostic procedures, and improve the quality and efficiency of operations.
