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Effects of Phosphorus-Solublizing Bacteria and Phosphate Fertilizer on the Growth of Eggplant


本試驗目的為瞭解土壤接種溶磷菌及磷肥施用對栽培茄子生育及收量之影響,以期增進磷肥使用效益。試驗處理包括使用溶磷菌與否(Psb+及Psb-),以及不同磷肥用量(0、200、400、600及800 P2O5 kg/ha用量)組合成以P0Psb-、P100Psb-、P0Psb+、P25Psb+、P50Psb+、P75Psb+六處理。茄子於種植時及種植後20、40天每株灌注溶磷菌(20 ml溶磷菌液加水2公升稀釋液)共計三次。試驗結果在20、50及70天生育期間均以P0Psb+處理株高、產量均較P0Psb-、P100Psb-及其他灌注溶磷菌加施磷肥處理有顯著差異,顯示在鹼性土壤(Bray no. 1萃取性磷含量達到120 mg/kg)地區種植茄子作物,在低磷肥用量情形下灌注溶磷菌,能夠發揮溶磷菌之效果。因此,使用溶磷菌配合適量磷肥處理有助於茄子生長。


溶磷菌 茄子 磷肥


The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of using phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and phosphate fertilizer on the growth and yield of eggplant. Experiment was conducted with six treatments (P0Psb-, P100Psb-, P0Psb+, P25Psb+, P50Psb+, P75Psb+) including phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (applied and non-applied) and five amounts of phosphate fertilizer (0, 200, 400, 600, and 800 P2O5 kg/ha). The phosphate-solubilizing bacteria were used as 20 ml with 2 L water at three times (before planted, 20 and 40 days after transplanted) for eggplant. The results indicated that the significant effects were found on the increase of shoot height and yield of eggplant with only applying phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (P0Psb+), which was the best treatment than others. Therefore, there were significant effects on the growth of eggplant with applying phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in alkaline soil (Bray no. 1 extracted P>120 mg/kg). However, the application of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and suitable amount of phosphate fertilizer was appropriated for eggplant growth.
