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臺灣新紀錄甜椒果腐病菌(Phomopsis capsici)之病原性鑑定

Identification for Pathogenicity of Phomopsis capsici, a Newly Reported Fruit Rot Disease of Sweet Pepper in Taiwan


2009年與2010年九月,位於埔里鎮的甜椒園內出現甜椒果實腐敗的徵狀,造成嚴重損失。果實上有水浸狀的凹陷病斑,從病斑上分離出的真菌以其寄主範圍與形態特徵鑑定為Phomopsis capsici。測試此真菌的病原性,可感染有傷口的甜椒果實,並從病斑處再分離可得到相同的真菌,但在接種時如果沒有在果實表面製造傷口則不會出現病徵。包括成熟的與未成熟的甜椒果實在接種病原菌後都會受到感染,但未成熟甜椒上形成的褐化病斑小於在成熟果實上的病斑。我們也測試甜椒果腐病菌的寄主專一性,除能感染甜椒外,青椒、辣椒、番茄、茄子的果實也會受此果腐病菌感染並形成果腐病徵。本研究發現由P. capsici引起的甜椒果腐病是在臺灣的新病例,且P. capsici是臺灣的新紀錄真菌。


Fruit rot symptoms on sweet pepper seriously occurred in Puli, Taiwan in September of 2009 and 2010. A fungus isolate was collected from the diseased fruit of sweet pepper showing water-soaked lesions and sunken symptoms. The pathogen was identified as Phomopsis capsici based on its host range and morphological characteristics. Pathogenicity tests showed that P. capsici could infect wounded fruits of sweet pepper and be reisolated, but the inoculation tests without wounding did not induce symptoms. Both mature and immature fruits could be infected. Brownish lesions on immature fruits expanded slower than lesions on mature fruits. Host specificity of P. capsici was demonstrated in our studies. Sweet pepper, green bell pepper, chili pepper, tomato, and eggplant could be infected, showing fruit rot symptoms. This is the first report of fruit rot of sweet pepper caused by P. capsici in Taiwan. In addition, this is a newly recorded fungal species of Taiwan.


林信輔(2017)。評估地衣芽孢桿菌 (31-1) 對於甜椒生長的應用潛力〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201703531
