

小確幸所延伸出來的「輕等工作態度」,特色是並不追求更高的職位或是職場成就,而是只需要每日的工作順利或是小小的成就感就已經足夠。這種輕等工作態度的風潮的確可以讓人輕易感受到滿足的滋味,但是若這種輕鬆寫意的態度來到了競爭激烈的職場上,又會產生什麼樣的衝擊呢? 本研究以上班族作為研究調查對象,資料收集方法採用問卷調查法,以便利抽樣之抽樣方式抽取受測樣本,共發出300份問卷,回收250份,有效問卷為233份。以SPSS17.0統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,研究結果分別為樣本資料分析、信效度分析及假說檢定。研究證實認知需求越高者,其工作投入也越高;而工作投入程度越高者,在其工作表現上亦是得到正向影響的結果。而本研究進一步探討認知需求與工作表現兩者之間的關係,顯示出認知需求會直接影響工作表現(直接效果),亦會透過工作投入進而影響工作表現(間接效果)。此外,本研究證實輕等工作態度越高,其工作投入程度、工作表現均會受到負面的影響,結果指出擁有輕等工作態度的工作者,相較於積極工作態度的職員,不僅會影響其工作投入的程度,最終還會影響其工作表現。


"Little happiness" is caused by a "light work attitude" and is not produced by pursuing high office or workplace achievements; completing a task or feeling a sense of accomplishment is enough to achieve little happiness. However, if such a relaxed attitude (light work attitude) is brought into a fiercely competitive workplace, it can cause various types of impact. This study involved administering questionnaires to a convenience sample. A total of 233 questionnaires were valid. The data were analyzed for validity, reliability, and hypothesis testing using the SPSS 17.0 statistical software package. This research involved exploring the relationship among need for cognitive (NFC), job involvement, and job performance. The results revealed that high NFC caused by high ambition and willingness to think led to positive results of job involvement and performance. The results also implied that NFC was directly affected by cognitive performance (direct effect), through the job involvement in turn affected by job performance (indirect effect). In addition, the study also indicated that "light work attitude" negatively affected by job involvement and job performance. Contrary to light work attitude, a positive work attitude by staff positively influences job involvement and is beneficial to job performance.


陳柏亘(2016)。敘說探究「創業計畫,不計畫!?」─ 以U-start創業計畫個案為例〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-2206201613540700
