  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study of Wetlands Designation and Conflict Management in Taiwan


爲使濕地之規劃、保育利用及經營管理更臻明確,我國「濕地保育法」在2015年2月2日施行,目前已公告83處重要濕地,包括國際級2處、國 家級40處及暫定地方級41處。本研究採文獻回顧並結合審議過程資料、地理空間分析及直接參與觀察等方法,針對濕地範圍公告後,產生那些競合與衝突予以分析。因適度的衝突有助於檢視濕地劃設的盲點,可酌予調整行政流程,促進溝通與改善,以達明智利用。硏究結果顯示:濕地部分範圍與國家公園、自然保留區、野生動物保護區、國家風景區、都市計畫區、原住民傳統領域等重疊管制。其次亦有部分濕地包含大面積私有地,對部分地主請領建築執照因涉及環評等問題,可能造成地方政府及民衆困擾。另外,候鳥的遷徙亦可能帶來相關的病毒,引發禽流感疫情,造成防疫工作與濕地保育的衝突。未來,每個濕地在硏擬重要濕地保育利用計畫過程中,應建立溝通平台,廣邀社區居民、權益關係人、民意代表、環保團體及地方政府等,大家集思廣益取得濕地保育共識。凝聚社區的共識,結合社區的力量,對重要 濕地的明智利用及經營管理,將有更大的助益。


"Wetland Conservation Act" had been implemented in the February 2, 2015. This act, designated officially 83 Wetlands of Importance (including 2 international, 40 national, and 41 local wetlands [temporary designation]), makes land planning, conservation, utilization, and management of wetlands much specific. This study was adopted literature reviews and deliberation information, geo-spatial analyses, and directly participant observation methods to analyze the competition and conflicts of these wetlands. By examining the process of wetlands designations, these aforementioned approaches helped us improve administrative procedure and communication between the governments and related civil rights by wise uses. Results were shown that wetlands overlap to be controlled within the borders National Parks, Nature Reserves, Wildlife Refuges, National Scenic Areas, Urban Planned Districts, and Aboriginal Traditional Territories etc. Some areas included large areas of private lands involving in the building licenses issued by the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) that caused problems to the governments and related civil rights. In addition, birds’ migration may spread virus led to birds’ flu that makes conflicts about conservation and prevention of wetlands. In future, the planning process of the wetlands of importance in conservation and utilization, we suggest to establish dialogue mechanism that involve all of communities, stakeholders, residental representatives, environmental groups, and local governments to obtain consensus of wetland conservation.
