  • 期刊


Graphene Oxide/silicon Hybrid Narrow Band Waveguide Bragg Reflectors


氧化石墨烯(graphene oxide, GO)薄膜可藉由簡單的旋轉塗佈法於大面積晶片上實現,其厚度可以非常薄且均勻,僅約數十奈米,並可利用雷射干涉微影(laser interference lithography, LIL)與反應式離子蝕刻(reactive ion etching, RIE)將其圖案化,形成一次微米週期性光柵結構。此外,為了精準地控制薄膜厚度,我們透過臭氧處理(ozone treatment)緩慢地削薄此薄膜(0.26 nm/min),同時亦對氧化石墨烯薄膜更進一步氧化。氧化石墨烯相對於石墨烯(pristine graphene)而言有較低的折射率(n = 1.58, @λ = 1550 nm)及較高的穿透度(~99.96%)。藉由氧化石墨烯的獨特性質,本實驗室利用轉移技術將7 nm厚的氧化石墨烯光柵圖案轉移至條型矽光子波導上,並成功實現了高消光比(19 dB)、低損耗(~5 dB/cm)及窄線寬(0.425 nm)的複合型氧化石墨烯/矽波導布拉格反射器。有別於一般的側壁光柵條型矽波導布拉格反射器對製程誤差非常敏感,且側壁的光柵輪廓常因製程誤差導致與設計的結果差距甚多,氧化石墨烯光柵覆蓋的條型矽波導布拉格反射器具有相對穩定的布拉格反射波長(Bragg wavelength)和可調控的反射帶寬(reflection bandwidth),其結果也較容易透過數值模擬分析去預測。


Graphene oxide (GO) ultrathin film can be wafer-scale deposited by spin-coating, can be patterned by laser interference lithography and oxygen plasma etching, can be thinned atomically (0.26 nm/min) and oxidized by ozone treatment, and is a relatively transparent and low-refractive-index material compared to pristine graphene. All those unique properties prompt us to realize a low-loss (~5 dB/cm), high-extinction-ratio (19 dB), and narrow band (0.425 nm) GO/silicon hybrid waveguide Bragg reflector by transferring 7-nm-thick GO gratings (n = 1.58) atop a silicon strip waveguide. Unlike sidewall-corrugated strip waveguide Bragg reflector that generally exhibits distorted corrugation profiles and is sensitive to fabrication errors, as-realized GO-grating-covered strip waveguide Bragg reflector exhibits stable reflecting wavelength and controllable reflection bandwidth which can be well predicted by numerical simulations.
