  • 期刊


Exploring the Equity of Education from the Application of Loan System for Higher Education in Taiwan




This study mainly focuses on the current situation of the implementation of higher education loan system in Taiwan. The higher education in Taiwan has expanded greatly in recent decades. It is found that opportunity of higher education of the disadvantaged groups has increased, but expansion and equity has not moved together. Students from economically disadvantaged families are still burdened with their tuition fees. There is an unfair phenomenon in the acquisition of education due to differences in family background and is still present at different levels or different types of educational opportunities. The difference in student tuition fees and the allocation of educational resources between public and private universities in Taiwan is apparent. The majority of the students of the disadvantaged families enrolled in the more expensive private colleges and universities, resulting in the phenomenon of "anti-income redistribution" occurrence. It is the subject of current development of higher education to implement the care of the disadvantaged students so as to promote education fairness and guarantee equal opportunities for education. The research method of this paper is mainly based on the analysis of literature, analysis of educational statistics database and comparative research method. After the expansion of higher education in Taiwan, the accessibility of students' admission opportunities and the affordability of schooling are discussed. Whether the tuition burden and the employment of school loans are in line with the principle of fairness.


李惠敏(2017年,3月9日)。大學學費調幅4月出爐 可漲也可能被調降。中央社電子報,取自http://www.cna.com.tw/news/ahel/201703090158-1.aspx
林志成(2016年,4月25日)。3.3萬人還不出錢 學貸族逼近百萬。中時電子報,取自http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20160425000305-260102
