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Miscellaneous Notes on Buddhism among the Türks


本文根據傳世文獻的記載,結合地下出土資料,對突厥(Türk)佛教之興衰歷史與基本特徵進行了詳盡的考察,指出佛教在突厥中的傳播始於六世紀下半葉佗缽可汗(Taspar Qaghan)統治時期。當時,來自北齊的僧侶惠琳、寶暹、道邃、僧曇及來自印度的高僧闍那崛多(Jñanagupta)、波羅頗迦羅蜜多羅(Prabhakaramitra)等都曾於突厥弘揚佛法,除此之外,粟特(Sogdian)佛教亦對突厥佛教的形成產生了不小的影響。但由於佛教戒殺生、戒爭鬥的教義與突厥遊牧射獵、尚勇好武的習俗多有牴牾,故佛教在漠北地區(Mongolia)未能深紮下根,在佗缽可汗薨亡不久便趨於衰亡,惟有居於中亞(Central Asia)一帶的西突厥人因受當地長期流行的佛教的影響而皈依者眾,其中不少為突厥王室成員和貴族官僚。在他們的支援下,西突厥所屬之地,有許多地方之佛教一直非常興盛,直到八世紀以後才隨著突厥汗國的衰亡和伊斯蘭教勢力的東浸而漸趨衰亡。突厥佛教早期以大乘為主,後來,尤其在西突厥地區,大、小乘兼行並舉, 但始終未能取得獨尊地位, 長期與突厥傳統宗── 薩滿教( Shamanism ) ( 東西突厥) 及景教( Nestorianism ) ( 西突厥) 、祆教(Zoroasterism)(西突厥)並肩而立。


1.佛教 2.突厥 3.佗缽可汗 4.中亞 5.唐代


This paper uses existing literature and excavated objects to undertake detailed research into the history of the rise and fall of Türkestan (Tujue 突厥) Buddhism, and its characteristics. The dissemination of Buddhism in Türkestan started in the second half of the sixth century during the reign of Taspar Qaghan. Atthat time, monks Huilin, Baoxian, Daosui and Sengtan from Northern Qi, andeminent monks Jñanagupta and Prabhakaramitra from India all came to Türkestan to spread Buddhism. Additionally,Sogdian Buddhism also exerted great influence on the formation of Türkestan Buddhism. However, because the Buddhist doctrines of no killing and no fighting are in conflict with the nomadic Türkestan customs of hunting and bravery, Buddhism did not take deep root in Mongolia. Soon after the death of Taspar Qaghan, Buddhism began to decline. In Central Asia, only the inhabitants of Western Türkestan took refuge in Buddhism in great number, and this was due to Buddhism's long prevailing influence there. Many of them were nobles, bureaucrats, or members of the Türkestan royal family. Under their patronage, Buddhism was very prosperous in many parts of Western Turkestan. It was only after the eighth century that Buddhism began to decline due to the decline of the Türks and the invasion of Islam from the west. The early period of the Türks was associated mainly with Mahayana Buddhism. Later, especially in Western Türkestan, both Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism existed. Buddhism ultimately lost its predominance, and for a long time co-existed with Türkestan's traditional shamanism (Eastern and Western Türkestan),Nestorianism (Western Türkestan), and Zoroastrianism (Western Türkestan).



