  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess



本文主要是探討結合GPS(全球定位系統)、無線網路和慣性定位(加速度計、磁力計)在智慧型手機上實現室內外定位軟體。GPS在建築物中會使衛星訊號被阻擋導致定位受到影響,會造成誤差達到15公尺以上或是無法定位。所以我們利用聯合大學現有的無線網路和手機的感測器(加速度計、磁力計)並結合Google Map API,實現室內、室外定位兼具的APP。本文先說明使用何種演算法來達成室內定位,利用RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indication)計算Wi-Fi強度換算距離,再用慣性定位補助三角定位法定位出當前位置,後再討論室內定位實際測試結果並分析。在未來我們會以精確度1公尺為目標,並以校園安全為主要的方向。


This paper is mainly about the smartphones application, and GPS, Wi-Fi and inertial indoor positioning. GPS has a common indoor positioning error of up to 15 meters for users. So we use the National United University (NUU) build of Wi-Fi and phone sensors (accelerometer, magnetometer), and combined with Google Map API, to achieve indoor and outdoor positioning of both APP. This paper first explains what use algorithms to achieve indoor positioning using RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) calculated in terms of the strength of Wi-Fi distance, and then inertial positioning subsidy triangulation method locate the current position, and then discuss the results of the actual test indoor location and analyzed. In the future, we will target accuracy of one meter and campus security as the primary direction.
