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Traditional Chinese medicine to relieve the pain of endometriosis and reduce the need for surgery




Endometriosis is a nightmare for many women. Normal endometrium will only grow in the uterine cavity. Endometriosis, however, detaches itself from the uterus and develops around the peritoneum, the large intestine and the ovary, repeatedly thickening and exfoliating with the menstrual cycle. These bleeding can not flow out of the body as regular menstruation but will accumulate in the body caused by inflammation and adhesions, causing severe pain during menstruation or intercourse, can also lead to infertility. Acupuncture can effectively alleviate the severe menstrual pain caused by endometriosis, and can reduce because of menstrual pain cannot work and disability. A long time large-scale study found that regular Chinese medicine treatment can effectively reduce the need for surgery.


Su SY, Muo CH, Sung FC, Morisky DE. Reduction of surgery rate in endometriosis patients who take Chinese medicine: a population-based retrospective cohort study.Complement Ther Med. 2014 Aug;22(4):632-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2014.06.010. Epub 2014 Jul 7.
Rubi-Klein K, Kucera-Sliutz E, Nissel H, Bijak M, Stockenhuber D, Fink M, Wolkenstein E. Is acupuncture in addition to conventional medicine effective as pain treatment for endometriosis? A randomised controlled cross-over trial. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010 Nov;153 (1):90-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2010.06.023. Epub 2010 Aug 21
