  • 期刊

李潼兒童短篇小說敘事模式研究 台灣兒童小說模式初探

A Study on the Narrative Mode of Li Tung's Children's Short Fiction: A Preliminary Note on Narrative Mode of Children's Fiction in Taiwan


近年台灣兒童文學發展迅速,研究風氣也盛,但與兒童小說相關的學術研究成果,深度似仍有不足。綜觀台灣的兒童文學界,無論從量到質看,李潼(賴西安,1953-2004)的作品,都是數一數二,而且甚具代表性的。因此,這篇論文嘗試藉研究李潼兩部兒童小說《大聲公》和《大蜥蜴》的敘事模式,探討李潼兒童小說的敘事特點。是項研究將會借助敘事學(narratology)的研究成果,其中普羅普(Vladimir Propp, 1895-1970)從民間故事歸納出來的故事結構以及格雷馬斯(A. J. Greimas, 1917-)模仿「自然語言的句法結構」創製的敘事功能模式-「施動模式」(actantial model)都是西方重要的敘事體系。究竟這些系統是否適用於台灣的兒童小說?這種形式的「借用」是否能促進台灣兒童文學研究的發展?等等都是值得討論的課題。通過以上的思考,我們當可嘗試組建台灣兒童小說的敘事模式,增加對台灣兒童文學尤其是兒童小說特點的認識,並將有助提升台灣兒童文學研究的層次。


Amongst various writers in the literary circle, Li Tong is the most important and representative ones both in terms of quality and quantity. This paper investigates the narrative characteristics of Li Tong's fiction for children by studying his two anthologies of short fiction, naming Da Shenggong and Da Xiyi. This study brings insights from outputs in Narratology. Vladimir Propp's narrative structure and A. J. Greimas' "actantial model" are among the most important ones. Various issues are worthy of discussion like "the suitability of these models for fiction for children in Taiwan" and "the ways of these outputs in the west stimulating the development of research in Taiwan." This paper sets a foundation for building up the narrative model of children's fiction in Taiwan, understanding in depth the characteristics of children's literature, and upgrading the levels of its research in Taiwan.


